What is

What is this page about header title goes here.

Reaffirming statement: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.


In a world that constantly demands + drains you, it’s easy to feel depleted and disconnected when you don’t know how to manage your own energy.


I’ve been there - feeling like you can’t ‘keep up’ with life’s demands and are drowning out your intuition + your own essence.


I used to have constant conflict in my relationships on the daily..


I was burned out and exhausted from the constant ‘output’ of energy that was demanded from my job, my kids, my husband and family, the world and myself.


I was meeting everyone else’s expectations + needs except for my own.


I was f*cking angry and frustrated with all areas of my life more than I was satisfied with them.


And what was the common denominator in it all? 

Unfortunately, it was me.. (gulp)


Until I Learned How to Manage + Master My Own Energy!



What is

What is this page about header title goes here.

Reaffirming statement: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.


This is your Sacred Invitation to move into the realm of

DIVINE POWER and Step Into Sovereignty.


DIVINE POWER is a Powerful 5 Day Clearing Series created for Women just like you, who are ready to deepen their spiritual journey of Healing + Self Discovery and  feel a strong magnetic pull towards deeper, more profound transformation.


I had this mind blowing moment just over a month ago while leading one of my Clearing Programs..


And it wasn’t until then that the ah-ha moment dropped in that no one is really talking about this, let alone teaching it!


The online space is full of programs and courses to learn and master modalities, mindsets, manifestation and Universal Laws but NO ONE is talking about how to Master Ourselves!

(which is kinda backwards if you ask me!)


And one thing I know for sure is that the Journey of Self Discovery and Energy Mastery DOES Begin with You!




🗝️  Living your life from choice rather than what you are currently tolerating

🗝️ Relationships where conflicts transform into opportunities for growth and transformation

🗝️ Going to work every day feeling a sense of lightness and inner peace

🗝️ Saying Yes to events or public places and leaving feeling energized and balanced

🗝️ Establishing and holding boundaries in your life and feeling unapologetic about it


A Life Where the More You Master Your Own Energy,

the More Liberated You Become!

I had this mind blowing moment just over a month ago while in one of my Clearing Series..
And it wasn’t until then that I realized that no one is really talking about this, let alone teaching it!
The online space is full of programs and courses to learn and master modalities, mindsets, and laws of manifestation but NO ONE is talking about how to master ourselves!
And one thing I know for sure is that the journey of self discovery and energy mastery begins with you! 
 🗝️  Living your life from choice rather than what you are currently tolerating
 🗝️ Going to work every day feeling a sense of lightness and inner peace
🗝️ Relationships where conflicts transform into opportunities for growth and transformation
🗝️ Saying Yes to an event or public place and leaving feeling energized and balanced
🗝️ Establishing and holding boundaries in your life and feeling unapologetic about it

A Life Where The More

You Master Your Own Energy,

The More Liberated You Become!

What is

What is this page about header title goes here.

Reaffirming statement: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.


What is

What is this page about header title goes here.

Reaffirming statement: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.


What is

What is this page about header title goes here.

Reaffirming statement: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.


What is

What is this page about header title goes here.

Reaffirming statement: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.


What is

What is this page about header title goes here.

Reaffirming statement: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.


What is

What is this page about header title goes here.

Reaffirming statement: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.



F.E.M.M.M.E is a 6 week journey into the Foundations of Energy Mastery, crafted exclusively for Modern Mystics like you!


The Power of Energy Mastery

Energy is the very fabric of our existence. It shapes your reality, influences your relationships, and dictates your path. Through F.E.M.M.M.E, you will embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, learning to navigate and harness the energies that govern your life.

What Awaits You:

 🗝️ Rediscover Your Energetic Essence: Peel back the layers that conceal your unique Energetic Blueprint. As you step into the sanctuary of your own energy field, you will unlock a reservoir of potential waiting to be harnessed.

 🗝️ Transform Power Struggles: The dance of power is not a battle to be won, but an energy to be understood. Through soul-nourishing practices and transformative insights, you will learn to dissolve conflicts and foster harmonious relationships.

🗝️ Everyday Magic Unleashed: The mundane is infused with the extraordinary. Learn practical tools that will not only maintain a clear and vibrant energy field but also infuse every moment with purpose and intention.

🗝️ Awaken Your Intuition: Your inner compass is waiting to guide you. Through exercises designed to deepen your connection with your own intuition, you will learn to trust the wisdom that resides within. 




"I feel fucking great, I can't thank you enough, I feel way lighter,  like I can move forward, and it's okay the past is the past...it's really amazing!!! I can't wait for the next session! 

Just mindblowing how reconnecting with myself has shifted so much in so little time!"

~ Hayley

And all I had to do . .

was embrace my 'inner serpent' to Awaken a profound Truth:


The Power of Transformation lies within us all.


That Pivotal Truth brings both you and I,

To Right Here, Right Now.


To the radiant core of a Woman’s Being where her innate power and wisdom reside and know no bounds…


To an unwavering inner stability and confidence…


To transcending limitations and unleashing your full potential..


To owning your story, writing your narratives and being alive..


Deeply rooted and unwavering in that..


To choose to step forward into Sovereignty.






What is

What is this page about header title goes here.

Reaffirming statement: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.


More Than just a Course,

It's a Rev-Her-lation!


F.E.M.M.M.E is not just a curriculum; it's a cosmic truth bomb that will echo through the corridors of your soul. It is an invitation to step into your true power, to reclaim your purpose, and to unleash the mystical force that resides within you.


Join the Rev-Her-lution

My sweet Mystic, this is your moment. This is your invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery, to unlock the secrets of your own energetic potential. With F.E.M.M.M.E, you're not just enrolling in a course; you're stepping into a New Era of Empowered Living as a Modern Mystic


Claim Your Space + Radiate Your Light

The Path to Mastery Begins With You! Seize this opportunity to unveil the mysteries of your own energy and ignite a transformation that will resonate through every facet of your existence.


Enroll Now + Illuminate Your Path of Energy Mastery!



"Tracy is full of wisdom & encouragement!

She has helped me to focus & reflect on the things that I need & desire. She has also guided me to answer some really tough questions.!

I have paid a lot of money to work with a psychologist & I have to be very honest, I don't feel the same healing & growth that I EXPERIENCE with TRACY!"


~ Jen M

"When I first “met” Tracy, at an embodiment summit in 2020, I was instantly intrigued by her and SRT. Her mini-session had such a profound effect on me. It stirred something that felt like an old memory - some long-forgotten connection and I had to know more about SRT and Tracy herself. My first session with Tracy left me speechless (literally), LOL! Our session dove into my spiritual wounding and everything she spoke of resonated deeply with me.

Having information about past lives and how they affect my current life empowered me to take the next steps in my healing journey. Being able to reach past this life into previous lives I’ve lived has been instrumental in my spiritual evolution."

~ Juniper B

‘My first session with Tracy BLEW MY MIND! SRT is an esoteric modality yet it was so incredible how bang on Tracy was with everything going on with me in my life and her ability to blend other modalities in really sealed the deal!

Within a few days I had changed a lifelong narrative toward my family. I actually felt safe communicating with my Dad how I felt and for the first time in my life my Grandmother told me she loved me!
So much has changed in how I operate in my life and my relationships from that one session!”
~Vincent V

"Wow wow wow!

Where do I even begin?!?

Tracy is an incredibly gifted and powerful SRT therapist - she literally shifts me from chaos to peace in 1 session, and I learn so much about myself and my past lives and why I have certain internal or external emotional conflicts - and then she clears the f*ck out of them!

Tracy Holds space so beautifully, non-judgemental and compassionate. Because of my work with her- I feel so much more at peace within, and reflects on the outside too. Love you Tracy! Everyone needs to work with you! 

~ Rosalyn Fung

Your Spiritual Rev-Her-lution Begins Here..


MODULE 1: Principles of Energy 101

  • Become aware of how unmanaged energy impacts the 4 key areas in your life: Relationship to Self, Relationship to Others, Relationship to Career + Currency, and Relationship to Spirit.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental energies that shape our reality through an introduction to the Law of Vibration and how it influences every aspect of your life.

MODULE 2: Establishing Your Energetic Baseline

  • Hear the whisper of your soul as you attune to your unique energetic frequency and develop an awareness of where you are currently operating from energetically.
  • Learn how to use your intuition and your body to discern your own energy field and peel back the layers to reveal your true essence, your energetic baseline.

MODULE 3: Unveiling Unmanaged Energy

  • Confront the shadows + energy leaks that linger in your relationship to Self + illuminate the path to healing.
  • Close the gaps in your energy field and watch as the light of awareness dispels the darkness, leaving a luminous trail of transformation.

MODULE 4: Understanding the Struggle for Power

  • Embrace the truth: power struggles aren't battles to be won but energies to be understood.
  • Journey within, unearthing the roots of these struggles, both in yourself and in your relationships.

MODULE 5: Diffusing Drama + Digging Deeper

  • Uncover and explore your own ‘not self’ energetic tendencies.
  • Examine the dynamics of your power struggles in Relationships to Others
  • Witness the alchemical dance of energy as you learn to transform conflict into harmony.
  • Journey to the core, where the seeds of power struggles find their fertile ground.

MODULE 6: Practical Everyday Magic

  • Revel in the simplicity of everyday tips + practices that fortify your energetic fortress.
  • Feel the resonance of your soul as it harmonizes with the cosmic symphony



  • LIVE Weekly Classes: 6 x 60 min on zoom
  • Replay Access
  • Weekly Soul Work: Application of the Foundations to begin to create a routine for daily energetic management
  • Private FB Portal: Share your takeaways +  experiences, ask questions, + receive support through the process
  • Sacred Sisterhood: Be an integral part of a community of Mystics + Seekers in a safe + supportive space for your next level of growth + expansion  


  • Winter 2024 - exact dates and times TBD


  • TBD



Are You Ready to Become an Energy Master?


It's Time to Break Free from the Chains of Unmanaged Energy +

to  Reclaim Your Power and Purpose.


Your Path to Mastery Starts Here with F.E.M.M.M.E. !


This isn't just a course; it's a Rev-Her-lution!

A cosmic truth bomb that will echo through the corridors of your soul...


 Master Your Energy + Master Your Life! 



Why might your potential client need a session rom you? 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.

"Between the 12 Days Series and Divine Currency, some pretty profound miracles have occurred!

Thank you for creating what comes through you so beautifully and for pivoting with grace. SO grateful for YOU!"


“A powerful opportunity for helpers, healers, spiritual entrepreneurs and warriors of light who are seeking support and guidance to move deeper into their own purpose NOW.

I first met Tracy when I signed up for her Modern Day Magic Clearing series. I’ve had personal sessions with her and can tell you she is a powerful guide, healer, teacher, and channel for Spirit."

~ Danielle B

"This was my second experience, working with Tracy in these group settings and I am in awe of the friendships, positivity, gratitude and healing that happens when you are open and willing to do the work.

I have enjoyed these containers more than I ever dreamed possible!’